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HTTP 1 vs HTTP 1.1 vs HTTP 2: What’s the Key Differences?

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HTTP 1 vs HTTP 1.1 vs HTTP 2

Understanding HTTP 1 vs HTTP 1.1 vs HTTP 2

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or HTTP, has evolved over the years to become faster and more efficient. From the original HTTP 1.0 specification in 1996 to the latest HTTP 2 release in 2015, the protocol has improved several times. In this detailed guide, we explore the three major versions—HTTP 1 vs HTTP 1.1 vs HTTP 2. We look at each version’s key features and analyze how they differ from each other. We also discuss compatibility, use cases, and adoption status of the different HTTP protocol versions.

Understanding HTTP is crucial for web developers, network engineers, and anyone involved in building and managing modern websites and applications. A good grasp of HTTP 1.x and HTTP 2 features can help make applications faster, more secure, and more robust.

Key Takeaways

  • HTTP 1.0 was the original version of HTTP, allowing basic web page requests and responses. However, it had limitations, such as only one request/response per TCP connection.
  • HTTP 1.1 improved on 1.0 by allowing multiple requests/responses per connection, improving performance. It added features like chunked transfer encoding and host headers.
  • HTTP 2 further improved performance by allowing multiplexing of requests, server push, header compression, and more. Unlike the textual HTTP 1.x, it is a binary protocol.
  • HTTP 2 provides major performance benefits through features like multiplexing, server push, and header compression. However, it is not supported on older browsers.
  • HTTP 1.1 continues to be popular and is the fallback protocol when HTTP 2 is not supported. New websites should support both HTTP 1.1 and HTTP 2.

A Head-to-Head Comparison Between HTTP 1 vs HTTP 1.1 vs HTTP 2

Feature HTTP 1.0 HTTP 1.1 HTTP 2
Textual protocol Yes Yes No, binary
Persistent connections No Yes Yes
Pipelining No Yes No
Multiplexing No No Yes
Header compression No No Yes
Server push No No Yes
Caching headers No Yes Yes
Chunked encoding No Yes Yes
Byte serving No Yes Yes
Host header No Yes Yes
Status codes Yes Yes Yes
SSL/TLS support No No Required by browsers

Overview of HTTP 1.0

HTTP 1.0 was the original version of HTTP approved as a standard in May 1996. It provided a simple protocol to allow web clients to request web pages from servers and display them.

Some key aspects of HTTP 1.0:

  • Text-based: HTTP 1.0 messages are plain text with headers and body separated by CRLF (carriage return + line feed).
  • Stateless protocol: No state is maintained between requests. Each request is independent of others.
  • HTTP requests: To request a page, clients send an HTTP GET or POST message with URL, headers, etc.
  • HTTP responses: Servers reply with a numeric status code and message like 200 OK along with response headers and document.
  • Non-persistent connections: Each TCP connection is closed after serving one request and response.

HTTP 1.0 laid the basic foundations, such as URLs, status codes, and headers, but it had some limitations. Opening a new connection for each request impacted performance and scalability, which was improved in HTTP 1.1.

HTTP 1.1 Features and Improvements

HTTP 1.1 was standardized in June 1999 after years of use as a draft standard. It made several enhancements over HTTP 1.0. Some key features include:

Persistent Connections

HTTP 1.1 added support for persistent connections. This allowed multiple requests and responses to be sent over the same TCP connection. After a response, the connection is kept open to handle further requests.

This provided huge gains in performance by avoiding connection establishment overheads for each request. It also reduced network congestion.

Chunked Transfer Encoding

HTTP 1.0 did not allow sending data without knowing the total size up front. HTTP 1.1 added chunked encoding, which allows the response to be broken and sent in chunks of arbitrary size.

The size of each chunk is sent before the chunk itself. This allows data to be streamed as it becomes available.

Byte Ranges

Byte range requests were added to allow retrieving only a portion of a resource. The Content-Range response header can be used to request specific ranges in bytes of a document.

This allows resuming downloads and efficient media streaming.

Host Header

The Host request header became mandatory in HTTP 1.1. This is required so that multiple websites can share the same IP address.

The Host header indicates which specific website or host the request is intended for on that IP.

Caching and Proxies

Caching was built into the HTTP 1.1 standard, and headers like Cache-Control, Expires, and ETag were added to ensure cache validity.

Rules were added for the cache behavior of HTTP proxies and gateways to reduce latency and network traffic.


HTTP pipelining allows sending multiple requests over a connection without waiting for the corresponding responses, further reducing latency in HTTP 1.1.

However, head-of-line blocking limits its benefits. If one request is delayed, subsequent ones are also blocked.

Summary of HTTP 1.1 Improvements

  • Persistent connections
  • Chunked encoding
  • Byte serving
  • Host header
  • Caching headers
  • Pipelining requests

These enhancements made HTTP 1.1 much more efficient compared to HTTP 1.0. The persistent connections and pipelining provided major performance improvements.

HTTP 1.1 Status Codes

HTTP response status codes indicate the status of the requested operation. Some common codes include:

  • 200 OK: The request succeeded, and a response was sent successfully.
  • 301 Moved Permanently: Resource has permanently moved to a new location.
  • 304 Not Modified: Resource has not changed since last requested.
  • 400 Bad Request: Invalid request, syntax error.
  • 401 Unauthorized: Authentication is required to access resources.
  • 403 Forbidden: Server declined to authorize the request.
  • 404 Not Found: Requested resource not found.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: Generic server failure response.

There are dozens of HTTP status codes to indicate specific request outcomes. Web developers should be familiar with these.

What are the Limitations of HTTP 1.1

While HTTP 1.1 was a big improvement over HTTP 1.0, it still had some limitations that came to light as web pages and apps became more complex:

  • Head-of-line blocking: Pipelining in HTTP 1.1 suffered from the head-of-line blocking issues.
  • No multiplexing: Even with persistent connections, HTTP 1.1 allows only one outstanding request/response exchange at a time.
  • No server push: Servers cannot push additional resources unless requested.
  • Bloated headers: Uncompressed headers add significant overhead, especially for small requests.
  • Security limitations: Upgrading connections to HTTP is difficult.

Overview of HTTP 2

The HTTP Working Group of the IETF began work on HTTP 2 in 2012 and was standardized as RFC 7540 in 2015. Unlike HTTP 1.x, HTTP 2 is a binary protocol instead of a textual format.

Some key goals of HTTP 2 were:

  • Multiplexing requests to avoid head-of-line blocking.
  • Compress headers to reduce the overhead of metadata.
  • Server push of content for faster page loads.
  • Maintain high-level backward compatibility with HTTP 1.x

Through these capabilities, HTTP 2 achieves significant performance improvements. It is a major rewrite of how HTTP works at the protocol level.

Key Features of HTTP 2

Let’s discuss the major features and capabilities provided by HTTP 2.


A key feature of HTTP 2 is that it allows multiplexing multiple requests and responses concurrently over a single TCP connection. This avoids head-of-line blocking in HTTP 1.1.

Multiple streams of request/response pairs can be in flight simultaneously, improving concurrency and the efficient use of the underlying connection.

Server Push

HTTP 2 allows servers to preemptively push additional resources to clients without waiting for explicit requests. This optimizes page loads by providing critical assets early.

For example, a server can push JavaScript files, CSS, and images required for a page so that the browser can start loading them sooner.

Header Compression

HTTP 2 compresses request and response headers using the HPACK compression format. This reduces the overhead of metadata, which takes up a lot of space in HTTP 1.x.

Repeated header fields are compressed to avoid duplication. HPACK allows efficient compression and transmission of headers.

Binary Protocol

HTTP 1.x uses plain text headers, whereas HTTP 2 uses binary framing to encapsulate all its messages. Binary protocols allow better separation of concerns and optimization opportunities.

The HTTP 2 binary framing layer maps to different streams, priorities, and messages, resulting in faster parsing and interpretation by clients and servers.

Multiple Protocol Support

Most major browsers now support both HTTP 1.1 and HTTP 2 simultaneously. This provides backward and forward compatibility.

For browsers or networks that don’t support HTTP 2, the connection falls back seamlessly to HTTP 1.1. This allows websites to use HTTP 2 while still supporting older clients.

Performance Benefits of HTTP 2

The combination of major features like multiplexing, server push, and header compression provide significant performance benefits compared to HTTP 1.1:

Reduced Latency

Multiplexing and server push both help minimize round-trip times and page-loading delays. Multiple requests can be parallelized, and assets can be pushed proactively.

Pages load faster as less time is wasted waiting for separate sequential round trips.

Increased Concurrency

Multiplexing allows better concurrency over a single connection. Multiple requests and responses can be exchanged concurrently without blocking each other.

This improves the utilization of the underlying TCP connection and network hardware.

Reduced Protocol Overhead

Compressed headers have a much lower overhead compared to text-based HTTP 1.x headers. This reduces the bandwidth usage for transmitting metadata.

For example, aggregated statistics show average header sizes reduced from 1400+ bytes to 30-60 bytes after header compression.

Improved Utilization

Features like multiplexing and server push improve the utilization of TCP connections. This allows serving more requests over the same hardware resources.

Web servers can handle more HTTP 2 traffic efficiently compared to HTTP 1.1 for the same number of connections.

Summary of Benefits

In summary, the key performance benefits of HTTP 2 include:

  • Lower Latency
  • Higher concurrency
  • Reduced overhead
  • Improved hardware utilization

Together, these add up to significant performance gains for HTTP 2-enabled websites and applications. Page load times are improved, traffic can be handled more efficiently, and user experience gets better.

Compatibility and Adoption of HTTP 2

HTTP 2 has good support across major web browsers today:

  • Chrome has supported HTTP 2 since version 40 in 2015.
  • Firefox has included HTTP 2 support since version 36 in 2015.
  • Edge has included HTTP 2 support since its release in 2015.
  • Safari has supported HTTP 2 since OS X 10.11 and iOS 9 in 2015.
  • Opera also added HTTP 2 support in 2016.

On the server side, popular web servers like Apache HTTP Server, Nginx, IIS, Tomcat, and Node.js have all added HTTP 2 modules or support.

CDNs and hosting providers also have enabled HTTP 2 across their infrastructure and services.

As of 2022, the adoption of HTTP 2 is now widespread:

  • Over 50% of all web traffic uses HTTP 2.
  • Over 85% of browser traffic can use HTTP 2.
  • The majority of web servers have HTTP 2 enabled or available.

So, while HTTP 1.1 continues to be used significantly, HTTP 2 has gained the majority of adoption on both clients and servers.

Fallback to HTTP 1.1

When either the client or the server does not support HTTP 2, the connection automatically falls back to HTTP 1.1, which provides backward compatibility.

For example, old browsers may not support HTTP 2. In some corporate environments, HTTP 2 may be disabled for security reasons. In these cases, the website will still work over HTTP 1.1.

Most modern web servers and platforms handle the transparent fallback from HTTP 2 to 1.1, so websites don’t need to do anything special to provide this fallback.

Usage Recommendations

Based on the state of adoption and compatibility, here are some general recommendations for using HTTP versions:

New Websites

New websites and applications should enable HTTP 2 support to take advantage of its significant performance benefits.

HTTP 2 support should be tested across browsers and infrastructure. HTTP 1.1 support should be retained as a fallback for legacy clients.

Existing Websites

Existing websites using HTTP 1.1 can consider migrating to HTTP 2 for better efficiency. Fallback support for 1.1 should be retained.

A phased migration is recommended. HTTP 2 can be enabled on CDNs and front-end caches first.


On private corporate intranets, HTTP 1.1 may be sufficient depending on internal client and infrastructure versions.

HTTP 2 can be evaluated and adopted if performance benefits are worthwhile.

Final Thoughts

HTTP has evolved tremendously from the original 1.0 version in 1996 to HTTP 2 in 2015. HTTP 2 provides major performance benefits through techniques like multiplexing, server push, and header compression.

While HTTP 1.1 continues to be popular, HTTP 2 adoption now accounts for over 50% of web traffic. New websites should support HTTP 2 while retaining the 1.1 fallback for legacy clients.

Migrating existing sites to HTTP 2 is recommended to improve efficiency through better concurrency and reduced overhead. Understand the key differences between the HTTP protocol versions to make optimal decisions for your web applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is HTTP 1.1 deprecated?

No, HTTP 1.1 is still widely used and supported. Many older clients still rely on 1.1. It remains the fallback protocol when HTTP 2 is not available.

Does HTTP 2 require HTTPS?

Most major browser vendors require HTTP 2 to be used over TLS (HTTPS), but the protocol itself does not require encryption.

What are the main differences between HTTP 1 and HTTP 2?

The key differences are that that HTTP 2 is binary rather than textual, allows multiplexing, has header compression, and supports server push, while HTTP 1.x does not have multiplexing or push capability.

Is HTTP 2 a replacement for HTTP 1.1?

Not fully: in most implementations, HTTP 2 complements 1.1. If HTTP 2 is not supported, connections gracefully fall back to HTTP 1.1.

Is HTTP 2 backward compatible with 1.0 and 1.1?

No, HTTP 2 is not backward compatible with 1.x protocols. However, clients and servers can support both 1.1 and 2.0 to allow fallback.

What is HTTP 3 and how does it compare?

HTTP 3 will use UDP and QUIC instead of TCP. The IETF is still developing it. HTTP 3 aims to improve latency and security issues further.

What are common troubleshooting tips for HTTP 2?

Enabling HTTP 2 debug logs, checking for protocol negotiation issues, testing different browsers, and ensuring server/CDN HTTP 2 support. Fallback to 1.1 also helps isolate issues.

What tools can help analyze HTTP 2 traffic?

Browser developer tools, web debug proxies like Fiddler, network sniffing tools like Wireshark, and HTTP 2 diagnostics modules in servers. These can inspect HTTP 2 frames and streams.

Priya Mervana

Priya Mervana

Verified Badge Verified Web Security Experts

Priya Mervana is working at SSLInsights.com as a web security expert with over 10 years of experience writing about encryption, SSL certificates, and online privacy. She aims to make complex security topics easily understandable for everyday internet users.

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