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How to Fix “This Publisher Has Been Blocked from Running Software” Error in Windows 10/11

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Fix "This Publisher Has Been Blocked from Running Software" Error in Windows

Why “This publisher has been blocked from running software” Appears

The “This publisher has been blocked from running software” error message can pop up on Windows 10 and Windows 11 devices and prevent you from opening certain apps or running specific hardware.

This frustrating error is usually caused by Windows security measures blocking executables that it deems potentially dangerous from running. While this helps protect your system from malware or poorly made software, it can also block legitimate apps and drivers from functioning properly.

In this guide, I’ll explain what caused this error and the steps you can take to fix “This publisher has been blocked from running software” on both Windows 10 and 11 PCs so you can access blocked apps again.

Key Takeaways

  • The “This publisher has been blocked from running software” error occurs when Windows blocks an app or driver from running, usually for security reasons.
  • The error is often caused by unsigned or improperly signed apps and drivers or those with revoked or expired certificates.
  • To fix it, uninstall problematic apps/drivers, update them if available, restore previous versions, or digitally sign executables.
  • You can also add exceptions for blocked apps in Windows Defender or disable driver signature enforcement.
  • For web browsers, clearing cache/cookies or using another browser usually resolves the issue.
  • Resetting Windows is a last resort that will clear all blocked apps, but it should only be done if other fixes don’t work.

What Causes the “This Publisher Has Been Blocked” Error in Windows?

There are a few main culprits that could trigger Windows to block software from running and display this error:

Unsigned or Improperly Signed Apps/Drivers

Windows requires kernel-mode drivers to be digitally signed and verified in order to load properly. Apps and executables also should be signed by trusted publishers. If they aren’t, Windows will block them.

Expired or Revoked Certificates

If a previously trusted app or driver has an expired or revoked certificate, Windows will no longer allow it to run, and you’ll get the error.

Corrupted System Files or Registry Issues

Corrupted Windows system files or registry problems can cause issues with validating app signatures, leading to errors.

Outdated or Incompatible Software

Using outdated apps or drivers that are no longer compatible with your version of Windows can prompt the blocking error during installation or launching.

False Positives from Security Software

In some cases, overzealous antivirus or antimalware apps may falsely flag legitimate software as unsafe, triggering Windows to block them.

Rootkit or Malware Infection

Security measures can block actual malware, rootkits, or viruses that infect Windows, producing an error message in the process.

How to Fix “This Publisher Has Been Blocked” for Apps in Windows 10/11

If you’re encountering the error when trying to open a particular app or game in Windows 10 or 11, there are a few things you can try to resolve the issue:

Uninstall and Reinstall the Problematic App

If an app update was signed incorrectly or became corrupted, uninstalling and then reinstalling the latest version can often fix things.

Update the App to the Latest Version

Check if the app has any new updates available. The latest version may be properly signed, or bugs may be resolved that are causing the error.

Restore a Previous Version or Installer

If a recent update is the culprit, rolling back to a previous working version of the app using System Restore or a prior installer can help.

Add an Exception in Windows Security

You can add the blocked app as an allowed exception in the Windows Defender Security Center. This will exempt it from publisher blocking.

Digitally Sign the App’s Executable

If the app is unsigned, you can digitally sign the main executable using software like Softpedia Signer to resolve the issue.

Reset Permissions/Compatibility Settings

Reset the app’s file permissions and compatibility mode settings to defaults in case they were modified incorrectly.

Perform SFC and DISM Scans

Running SFC and DISM scans can replace corrupted Windows system files that may cause the error.

How to Fix “This Publisher Has Been Blocked” for Drivers in Windows

For hardware drivers, here are some potential solutions if Windows has blocked one from running:

Update or Reinstall the Driver

Download the latest version of the driver from the device manufacturer. Updating can resolve code signing issues.

Uninstall Problematic Third-Party Drivers

If recently installed third-party drivers are blocked, uninstall and revert to the native Windows driver.

Boot into Safe Mode

Boot into Safe Mode, which loads only essential signed drivers. This can bypass the blocking of third-party ones.

Disable Driver Signature Enforcement

Disabling mandatory driver signature enforcement in Advanced Startup lets you load unsigned drivers. Not recommended long-term.

Sign the Driver Executable

Use software like the Windows Driver Kit to digitally sign the driver’s .sys or .exe file so Windows trusts it.

Install Driver as Administrator

Try installing the driver from an admin Command Prompt while booted into Safe Mode to force installation.

For blocked GPU drivers, also try installing the graphics card drivers cleanly or rolling back to older graphics drivers.

How to Fix “This Publisher Has Been Blocked” Browser Error

If you receive the error when attempting to open a web browser like Chrome, Firefox, or Edge, try these browser-specific solutions:

Clear Browser Cache/Cookies

Clear the browser cache and cookies, which could be corrupted. In Chrome, go to Settings > Privacy > Clear browsing data.

Launch in Safe Mode

Open the browser in Windows Safe Mode with Networking, which only loads essential signed processes and drivers.

Use Another Browser

Try opening the same page in a different browser. If it works, your normal browser profile is likely corrupted.

Reset Browser Settings

Reset browser settings to default to eliminate any problematic customized settings. In Chrome, go to Settings > Reset settings.

Update/Reinstall the Browser

Make sure the browser is fully updated. If not, download the latest version or reinstall to repair potential issues.

Remove Browser Extensions

Try disabling or removing any recently added browser extensions, which can sometimes cause conflicts.

This error is most commonly seen in Chrome, so following these tips should get it working again if you encounter it.

This will completely turn off the certificate checks. However, it is not recommended for security reasons. Only use it if you fully trust the app.

How to Add Exceptions for Blocked Apps in Windows Security

One option to bypass the error for legitimate apps is adding exceptions for them in Windows Security:

  • Open Windows Security (called Windows Defender Security Center in older versions).
  • Click on App & Browser control.
  • Click the arrow to expand Reputation-based protection settings.
  • Scroll down and switch “Check apps and files” to Off to temporarily disable checking.
  • Try running the blocked app – it should now work.
  • Switch “Check apps and files” back On afterward.
  • Click App permissions, then Add an allowed app.
  • Browse and select the blocked app executable, then click Open.
The app will now be allowed to run even if blocked in the future. You can repeat this for multiple apps.

How to Disable Driver Signature Enforcement in Windows

If the outdated or unsigned driver is being blocked, you can disable mandatory driver signature enforcement:

  • Open Advanced startup options (Settings > Update & Security > Recovery > Advanced startup).
  • Select Restart now. On the next screen, choose Troubleshoot > Advanced options.
  • Go to Startup Settings > Restart. After restarting, press 7 or F7 to disable driver signature enforcement.
  • You can then install the unsigned driver. Remember to re-enable enforcement afterward.
This method can potentially let malicious unsigned drivers load, too, so only use it temporarily for valid drivers until they are properly signed.

How to Reset Windows 10 or 11 as a Last Resort

If you’ve exhausted all other troubleshooting methods for blocked apps and drivers, performing a full reset of Windows 10 or 11 should clear out any publisher restrictions as a fresh start:

  • Back up any important data first. A reset erases everything.
  • Go to Settings > System > Recovery and selectGet started” under Reset PC.
  • Choose either “Keep my files” or “Remove everything,” depending on whether you want to delete personal files too.
  • Follow the prompts to reinstall Windows. Apps and drivers will need to be reinstalled afterward.
Resetting Windows is a hassle but will guarantee any blocked publisher policies are cleared if nothing else works.

Final Thoughts

The “This publisher has been blocked from running software” error can be frustrating but is generally fixable as long as you track down the specific problematic app or driver. Methods like updating software, restoring previous versions, signing executables, or adding exceptions provide ways to get blocked apps running again without fully disabling security.

For web browsers, clearing caches, reinstalling, or using Safe Mode usually resolves the issue. And while fully resetting Windows may seem drastic, it provides a clean slate if all else fails. With the right troubleshooting steps, you should be able to get past this error and regain access to important software.

Just be sure to keep your system and software updated going forward to avoid recurring issues with blocked publishers down the road.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the error code for this issue?

The most common error code is 0x8007000B. However, other error codes, such as 0x800703E6, 0x800703F1, or 0x80070002, may also appear.

Can I get blocked apps to run without disabling security?

Yes, adding individual exceptions for apps in Windows Security Center allows them to run without fully disabling protection. Signing executables or installing blocked apps from a Safe Mode command prompt are other options.

Why would a driver be blocked even though it’s digitally signed?

If the signature is expired, invalid, or revoked, Windows will still block the driver even if it is signed. Using an outdated driver that is incompatible with your Windows version can also trigger blocking.

How can I tell if Windows blocked an app or driver?

Check the Windows event viewer logs under the Applications and Services Logs > Microsoft > Windows > CodeIntegrity section for entries about blocked executables.

Does disabling driver signature enforcement completely disable security?

No, other security protections remain active. However, disabling enforcement does open you up to potential unsigned malware, so only use it temporarily to get valid drivers working.

Why would a web browser like Chrome get blocked from running?

Browsers rely on many executables and dynamic libraries that could become corrupted or unsigned. Clearing caches, reinstalling the browser, or using Safe Mode typically resolves it.

What is Unknown Publisher Security Warning in Windows 10

The Unknown Publisher Security Warning in Windows 10 is a message that appears when you try to install a program or application that is not digitally signed by a recognized publisher. This warning is designed to protect users from potentially malicious software by alerting them to the fact that the program’s publisher is not known or trusted by Windows.

Can the “This publisher has been blocked” error happen on Windows 7?

No, this specific error message only occurs on Windows 8 and later. Previous Windows versions handled unsigned drivers and app blocking differently.

Is it safe to reset Windows if other fixes don’t resolve the issue?

Yes, resetting Windows 10 or 11 is safe in terms of security. It will wipe out any publisher restrictions and blocked apps, but you’ll have to reinstall the software afterward.

What’s the best way to prevent this error from occurring in the future?

Always keep Windows and software fully updated. Avoid installing unsigned apps from unknown sources. Also, maintain a system restore point you can roll back to in case of issues.

Priya Mervana

Priya Mervana

Verified Badge Verified Web Security Experts

Priya Mervana is working at as a web security expert with over 10 years of experience writing about encryption, SSL certificates, and online privacy. She aims to make complex security topics easily understandable for everyday internet users.