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The ERR_SSL_WEAK_EPHEMERAL_DH_KEY error is a security warning that indicates your browser has detected a weak Diffie-Hellman (DH) key being used during the setup of an encrypted SSL/TLS connection with a website. This warning typically appears when connecting to older web servers that have not been updated to use more secure cryptography standards.

While not necessarily indicative of an attack, weak DH keys could potentially be exploited by sophisticated hackers to compromise the security of the connection. Therefore, the browser blocks access to websites using weak keys as a precaution.

In this comprehensive guide, we will cover the technical details of the ERR_SSL_WEAK_EPHEMERAL_DH_KEY error, explain the risks, and most importantly, walk through various solutions to resolve the problem for both website owners as well as general end users.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fix  ERR_SSL_WEAK_EPHEMERAL_DH_KEY Warnings

There are a few recommended methods to resolve the ERR_SSL_WEAK_EPHEMERAL_DH_KEY error:

For Website Owners:

  • Upgrade Outdated Software: Update server software like Apache and Nginx to current stable versions that support modern TLS cryptography. Install security patches frequently.
  • Use Strong DH Parameters: Generate a 2048-bit or higher Diffie-Hellman prime parameter and configure your web server to use it. Do not reuse small 512/1024-bit DH params.
  • Disable Weak Ciphers: Explicitly blacklist vulnerable TLS cipher suites like DHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA. Enforce use of strong ciphers like ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384.
  • Use HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS): Implement HSTS with the included Subdomains flag to force browsers to use HTTPS for your domain. This reduces MITM downgrade attacks.
  • Obtain Trusted Certificates: Use certificates signed by trusted CAs for activating HTTPS on your website. Use SHA-2 signed certificates instead of SHA-1.
  • Check Load Balancers and Proxies: Verify that reverse proxies and content delivery networks in front of your web servers are configured securely and support Forward Secrecy.

For End Users:

If you encounter the warning while browsing and are concerned, you can try the following fixes:

  • Clear Browser Cache: Clear your browser cache and cookies to eliminate any corrupt files or cached entries triggering the error.
  • Use Incognito/Private Mode: Try opening the site in an incognito or private browsing window, which won’t read any cached browser data.
  • Update Your Browser: Ensure you’re running the latest version of your web browser which supports modern TLS standards.
  • Use a Different Browser: Try accessing the site in an alternate browser. If it works, then the issue was limited to your original browser’s cached settings.
  • Disable VPNs and Proxies: Turn off any VPN services, anonymizers or other software that could be intercepting TLS connections.
  • Access via HTTPS: Use https:// in the URL instead of just http:// to force HTTPS if the site supports it.
  • Contact Website Owner: Inform the website owner of the invalid certificate chain or weak DH key issues.

If none of those help resolve the problem, your last resort may be to temporarily ignore the warning at your own risk to access the site. But we recommend ignoring browser security warnings in general.

What is a Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange?

To understand the weak DH key error, we first need to understand what DH keys are used for.

Diffie-Hellman key exchange, named after its creators Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman, is a cryptographic protocol that allows two parties to establish a shared secret over an insecure communications channel. This shared secret can then be used to derive an encryption key to secure subsequent communications using a symmetric cipher.

Here is a quick overview of how the DH algorithm works:

  • Alice and Bob agree on a large prime number ‘p’ and a generator ‘g’ beforehand. These numbers don’t need to be kept secret and can be transmitted over any channel.
  • Alice chooses a secret private value ‘a’ and computes public value ‘A = g^a mod p’. She sends A to Bob.
  • Bob chooses a secret private value ‘b’ and computes public value ‘B = g^b mod p’. He sends B to Alice.
  • Alice computes the shared secret as ‘s = B^a mod p’. Bob computes the same shared secret as ‘s = A^b mod p’.
  • Alice and Bob now have a shared secret ‘s’ that can be used to derive an encryption key for securing their communications.

The security of DH key exchange depends on the fundamental principle that computing discrete logarithms in a large prime modulus is very difficult. As long as ‘p’ is large enough, an eavesdropper cannot feasibly derive the shared secret or private keys even if they capture all the transmitted public values.

SSL/TLS connections use ephemeral DH key exchange. This means that the DH private keys are randomly generated on each new TLS handshake rather than long-term static keys. This provides forward secrecy – even if the TLS keys are compromised in the future, the leaked keys cannot be used to retrospectively decrypt past communications.

The Weak DH Keys Problem

The Diffie-Hellman algorithm itself is fundamentally sound and secure. However, its security is highly dependent on the size of the prime modulus ‘p’.

Older protocols and implementations, such as those using the deprecated export cipher suites, use smaller 512-bit or 1024-bit moduli. These key sizes are now considered cryptographically weak and prone to compromise by state-level attackers. Breaking DH exchange with such small parameters is within the reach of modern computers.

That brings us to the ERR_SSL_WEAK_EPHEMERAL_DH_KEY warning. Modern web browsers consider any ephemeral DH keys smaller than 2048 bits to be insecure and block connections using such weak keys.

For example, your browser may display this error when connecting to websites running outdated Apache/Nginx builds or misconfigured load balancers and reverse proxies that permit the use of weak 512-bit or 1024-bit DH parameters.

This prevents users from inadvertently establishing connections protected by cryptographically weakened encryption keys.

Is the Warning an Indication of a Man-in-the-Middle Attack?

The ERR_SSL_WEAK_EPHEMERAL_DH_KEY warning does NOT necessarily mean your connection is being intercepted or decrypted by hackers.

You may encounter this browser error even when connecting directly to the original website if it is simply misconfigured to allow small DH keys.

However, an active man-in-the-middle attacker could possibly trigger this warning by downgrading the TLS handshake and forcing the use of weak 512-bit or 1024-bit ephemeral DH keys.

So, while the warning does not definitively indicate an attack, if you encountered it on a website you previously connected to successfully, it could be a sign of possible tampering by a MITM attacker or SSL intercepting proxy. Extra vigilance is advised.

Risks of Weak DH Keys

Using weak 512 or 1024-bit DH keys to establish TLS connections carries the following security risks:

  • Eavesdropping Attacks: Weak keys can be compromised by brute force attacks allowing attackers to decrypt all intercepted traffic. With only 512 bits, passive decryption is possible. 1024-bit keys could be broken by state actors.
  • Retrospective Decryption: Broken DH exchange results in compromised session keys. This allows recording and later decryption of traffic as computing power increases in the future.
  • Downgrade Attacks: Active MITM attackers can exploit weak parameters to force TLS connections to use broken 512 or 1024-bit key exchanges.
  • Cross Protocol Attacks: Shared DH parameters can lead to weaknesses across multiple protocols and services.

These risks enable serious attacks ranging from decryption of sensitive communications to session hijacking and data compromise. Hence browsers flag them.


The ERR_SSL_WEAK_EPHEMERAL_DH_KEY message indicates your browser has detected an insecurely configured SSL/TLS connection attempting to use obsolete and weak 512 or 1024-bit Diffie-Hellman key exchange parameters.

Although not necessarily a sign of an active man-in-the-middle attack, the weak keys drastically lower security and could allow attackers to eavesdrop on communications.

Website owners should reconfigure servers to support modern strong ciphers and use 2048+ bit DH keys. Users should keep browsers updated, clear caches, disable problematic addons, and avoid ignoring the warnings. Exercising caution when encountering an error can help keep your browsing sessions secure.


1. Is it safe to ignore the ERR_SSL_WEAK_EPHEMERAL_DH_KEY warning?

No, it is not recommended to ignore this error, as doing so could expose your web traffic and data to eavesdropping or interception. The warning is there to protect your security.

2. How do I fix the ERR_SSL_WEAK_EPHEMERAL_DH_KEY error permanently?

Website owners need to reconfigure servers to support modern cipher suites and use stronger 2048+ bit Diffie-Hellman parameters at a minimum. For end users, updating browsers, clearing cache and using HTTPS sites is recommended.

3. Why am I suddenly getting ERR_SSL_WEAK_EPHEMERAL_DH_KEY in my browser?

This could be due to websites downgrading security settings, or your browser updating its TLS libraries and security policies. Clearing browser caches may help rule out recently changed settings.

4. Are there any risks if I temporarily allow the weak DH key connection?

Yes, temporarily allowing the connection still exposes you to eavesdropping and session compromise risks. Avoid accessing sensitive accounts or entering passwords on sites triggering the warning.

5. How can I report the ERR_SSL_WEAK_EPHEMERAL_DH_KEY issue to the website owner?

Check the website for contact information or a support email address you can inform about the browser warning. Provide details like the site URL, your browser version, and the full error message to help them diagnose the problem.

6. What technical details could help debug the weak DH key error?

Note down the specifics like website domain, exact error message, browser name and version. On Chrome, the full diagnostic info under chrome://net-internals/#events can assist server admins in pinpointing misconfigurations.

7. Is there an option to permit weak key connections instead of ERR_SSL_WEAK_EPHEMERAL_DH_KEY blocking them?

Some browsers may allow bypassing the warning via hidden advanced settings. However, this is strongly discouraged as it disables critical security protections.

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