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What is Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

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Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Introduction to Software Development Life Cycle

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a framework that defines the steps involved in the development of software from inception to deployment. It aims to produce high-quality software that meets customer requirements within time and budget constraints.

The SDLC provides a well-structured flow of phases that help an organization quickly produce products and services. It serves as a reference for project managers to monitor and control the development process. Stakeholders can examine any phase for progress tracking and quality assurance.

Adopting the SDLC results in deliverables like requirements documents, design documents, code, test cases, etc. These artifacts help establish traceability back to requirements throughout the development process.

Key Takeaways

  • The SDLC is a framework that defines the phases involved in software development from inception to deployment.
  • It aims to deliver high-quality software that meets customer needs within time and budget constraints.
  • The SDLC provides a structured set of phases for efficient software development.
  • It produces deliverables that help track progress and establish traceability.
  • Adopting the SDLC results in higher-quality software developed in a systematic manner.

What is the Software Development Life Cycle?

The Software Development Life Cycle is a process for planning, creating, testing, and deploying software. It provides a framework for the development team to follow throughout the entire software development process.

The SDLC aims to produce a high-quality system that meets or exceeds customer expectations, reaches completion within times and cost estimates, and works effectively.

It includes several broadly defined phases that are further broken down into tasks and sub-phases. The phases ensure systematic progress toward software completion. The phases in the SDLC are:

  • Planning
  • Defining Requirements
  • Designing the System
  • Building or Developing the System
  • Testing the System
  • Deployment
  • Maintenance

The SDLC provides visibility into the development process. Managers can monitor and control the project by examining each phase. It also establishes points for quality assurance, customer reviews, and approvals.

The scope, complexity, and nature of the software product affect the number of phases in the SDLC. However, the core phases of planning, building, and deployment remain constant. Organizations tailor the SDLC according to project needs by adding, combining, or removing phases.

Why is SDLC Important?

The SDLC is important because it leads to organized software development, avoids risks, meets client expectations, and enables the development of high-quality software. The specific benefits of adopting the SDLC are:

Defines Tasks and Deliverables

The SDLC clearly defines all the tasks that need to be performed and the deliverables to be produced during the software cycle. This helps estimate timelines, costs, and resources required for each task.

Provides Structure

It provides a structure for seamless execution of the software development process from conception to deployment. The structured phases help organize the workflow and avoid confusion.

Ensures Quality

The review processes and testing activities mandated by SDLC result in higher-quality software with fewer defects. Defined quality checks validate software quality at each stage.

Meets Customer Expectations

Customer feedback is collected early through the requirement-gathering phases. This ensures that the final product meets or exceeds customer expectations.

Reduces Risk

Risks are mitigated by evaluating each phase and delivering in iterations. Potential issues can be identified in the initial stages when changes are cheaper.

Accommodates Changes

Changes can be accommodated by revisiting earlier stages of the cycle. This provides flexibility to incorporate changing customer needs even later in the cycle.

Meets Business Objectives

The software produced moves through organized stages focused on fulfilling business requirements. This increases the likelihood of meeting business objectives.

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Models

While the SDLC phases remain constant, there are different SDLC methodologies or models defining the process flow between the phases. Some popular SDLC models include:

Waterfall Model

The waterfall model is a linear, sequential methodology where each phase begins only after completing the previous one. After finishing a phase, the process proceeds downstream to the next phase.

Advantages of Waterfall Model

  • Simple to understand and implement
  • Phases are processed linearly, avoiding confusing back-and-forth
  • Works well for projects with clearly defined requirements

Disadvantages of Waterfall Model

  • No working software until the late phases
  • Difficult to accommodate changes after the design phase
  • Integration issues may arise

Iterative Model

The iterative model delivers software in increments, with each increment building on the previous functionality. Requirements are divided into multiple iterations, and the development cycle is repeated for each iteration.

Advantages of Iterative Model

  • Lower initial delivery cost
  • Customer feedback from each iteration
  • Easier to manage risks and change requests
  • Working software available early on

Disadvantages of Iterative Model

  • Not suitable for complex dependencies
  • More resources are required for frequent testing cycles
  • Needs clear interface definitions upfront

Spiral Model

The spiral model combines iterative development with aspects of the waterfall model applied sequentially. Each cycle begins with requirements and design, followed by prototyping and evaluation.

Advantages of Waterfall Model

  • The high amount of risk analysis
  • Frequent customer feedback on prototypes
  • Development can start with vague requirements

Disadvantages of Spiral Model

  • Complex model requiring expertise
  • Higher costs due to multiple iterations
  • Not suitable for small or low-risk projects

V-Shaped Model

The V-model demonstrates the relationships between the verification and validation phases with corresponding development phases. Testing activities occur parallel to a development phase.

Advantages of V-Shaped Model

  • Simple and easy to understand
  • Testing activities integrated throughout the cycle
  • Defects detected parallel to development phases

Disadvantages of V-Shaped Model

  • Very rigid and least flexible
  • Small changes can cause rework in phases
  • No early prototypes are visible to the customer

Big Bang Model

The big bang model focuses on executing all development in one single phase, with no formal processes or intermediate releases. The entire system is developed, integrated and tested as a whole.

Advantages of Big Bang Model

  • Simple model with minimal planning
  • No intermediate milestones to manage
  • Resources can work independently on modules
  • Suitable for small projects with little complexity

Disadvantages of Big Bang Model

  • Very high risk with no iterations
  • Integration issues are most likely to arise
  • Not suitable for large, complex projects
  • Hard to track the progress

Agile Model

The agile model uses an iterative development approach to focus on customer collaboration and rapid delivery. Requirements are divided into small incremental builds delivered in short iterations using flexible processes.

Advantages of Agile Model

  • Increased customer engagement and feedback
  • Early visibility into system functionality
  • Ability to respond to changes quickly
  • Focused on teamwork and collaboration

Disadvantages of Agile Model

  • Requires customer representatives for feedback
  • The scope may expand endlessly beyond the budget
  • Dependent on team skillset for success
  • Testing can be challenging

When to Choose Which Model?

The SDLC model selection depends on many aspects of the project at hand, like project size, complexity, urgency, requirements, and team skills.

  • Waterfall: For small projects with clearly defined requirements and no ambiguous components
  • Iterative: When requirements are unclear, changing, or need to be prioritized
  • Spiral: For large, expensive, high-risk projects using new technology
  • V-Shaped: For projects with clearly defined objectives and solution
  • Big Bang: For small projects with minimal development complexity
  • Agile: When requirements are dynamic, and the project demands frequent customer interaction

Analyzing the project characteristics and development environment will help determine the right SDLC approach. Projects can often use a hybrid model combining aspects of multiple methodologies as well.

SDLC Phases Explained

While each SDLC model defines its own process flow, they all cover the following fundamental SDLC phases:

Phase 1 – Planning

The planning phase is the foundation of the entire development process. It defines the scope, objectives, and goals of the software to be developed.

Activities include:

  • Gathering project requirements: Business analysts engage with stakeholders to gather detailed requirements.
  • Defining project scope: The scope and boundaries of the system are defined.
  • Resource planning: The team size, skills, tools, and technology needed are planned.
  • Hardware and software procurement: Appropriate hardware and software systems are acquired.
  • Feasibility analysis: Technical, economic, legal, and schedule feasibility are evaluated.
  • Risk identification: Potential risks are identified, and mitigation strategies are defined.
  • Defining schedule and budget: The project schedule, timelines, costs, and delivery dates are identified.

Deliverables: Project plan, Feasibility report, Requirement specification document, Risk management plan

Phase 2: Defining Requirements

The requirement-gathering phase focuses on capturing detailed system requirements from users and stakeholders.

Activities include:

  • Requirements gathering: Interviews, surveys, business analysis, prototyping, and observations are conducted.
  • Requirement analysis: Collected requirements are analyzed for clarity, completeness, and accuracy. Conflicts and gaps are resolved.
  • Requirements specification: The requirements are organized, documented, and signed off by relevant stakeholders in a Requirement Specification Document (RSD).
  • Requirements validation: User acceptance tests are defined to validate requirements when implemented.
  • Requirements management: Priorities are assigned to requirements, and they are managed throughout the project lifecycle.

Deliverables: Requirement Specification Document (RSD), Requirement management plan

Phase 3: System Design

The design phase creates logical system design models and specifications to meet the identified requirements. The focus is on defining the architecture, interfaces, components, and data for the software system.

Activities include:

  • Architecture design: Logical system architecture is designed along with the software framework.
  • Interface design: Application programming interfaces (API) are designed to integrate with external interfaces.
  • Database design: Data storage requirements are specified based on data management needs.
  • Component design: Functional features are divided into logical software components/modules.
  • Security design: Security requirements are implemented through access controls and encryption.

Deliverables: System architecture document, Interface design document, Database design document

Phase 4: Development

The development phase is when the actual system is built by developers based on the design specifications. Coding and programming activities create a working software system.

Activities include:

  • Code generation: Source code for components, interfaces, forms, etc., is written in programming languages.
  • Code compilation: Source code is converted into executable binaries that can run on target platforms.
  • Testing at code level: Developers test individual code modules for functionality.
  • Component integration: Coded components are integrated into the evolving software system.
  • Debugging and troubleshooting: Defects found during testing are fixed to stabilize the system.

Deliverables: Source code, test cases, debugging, and defect resolution reports.

Phase 5: Testing

In this phase, the complete integrated system is thoroughly tested to verify if it meets the specified requirements. Bugs and defects are reported, tracked, and fixed.

Activities include:

  • Unit testing: Individual code modules are tested to ensure proper functionality.
  • Integration testing: Interfaces between modules are tested when integrated.
  • System testing: The entire system is tested against requirements and use cases.
  • Performance testing: System performance is tested for reliability, speed, scalability, etc.
  • User acceptance testing (UAT): Hands-on testing by real users in a simulated environment.
  • Bug reporting: All bugs found during testing are formally reported and tracked.

Deliverables: Test plans, test cases, test reports, defect reports.

Phase 6: Deployment

The software system is deployed in the production environment, and users start using the system for their actual business needs.

Activities include:

  • Deployment planning: Planning and scheduling software installation on production systems.
  • Environment setup: Configuring the production hardware and software environment.
  • Training users: Training users on how to use the software.
  • Data migration: Moving data from legacy systems to the new database.
  • Transition to support: Handing over the system to the operations and maintenance team.
  • Production monitoring: Monitoring system health, performance, errors, and bugs in the production environment.

Deliverables: Installation manual, training material, data migration plan, support hand-off document.

Phase 7: Maintenance

This phase addresses changing user needs, fixes problems and improves software performance and quality over its lifespan.

Activities include:

  • Issue tracking: Tracking reported problems and modification requests.
  • Patch releases: Releasing patches and bug fixes between full releases.
  • Major upgrades: Releasing new versions with major functionality enhancements.
  • Performance improvements: Improving responsiveness, scalability, availability, etc.
  • Sunsetting software: Retiring outdated or redundant software systems.

Deliverables: Upgrade releases, patches, and notifications of decommissioned features or software.

Alignment Between SDLC And STLC

While SDLC focuses on systematically developing software, the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) focuses on testing it. Aligning these two cycles results in optimized development with continuous testing.

SDLC Phase

Corresponding STLC Phase


Test Planning


Test Planning


Test Development


Test Execution


Test Closure


Regression Testing

Testing activities begin during requirement gathering itself. Test plans are created when requirements and design are defined. Code development is accompanied by test development to validate newly added features.

Formal system testing is followed by testing patches and upgrades throughout the maintenance phase. Aligning SDLC and STLC results in Continuous Testing: a best practice for developing high quality software.

What are the Challenges in the SDLC

While SDLC provides a blueprint for streamlined software development, it also poses some challenges:

  • Rigid processes make adapting to changing requirements difficult
  • Significant specialized resources are required
  • Extensive documentation overhead
  • Longer time to market due to sequential phases
  • Integration issues can arise with a big-bang approach
  • Testing resource and effort-intensive

Organizations need to evaluate their capability and project needs to overcome these challenges by selecting suitable SDLC models. Combining traditional and agile methodologies into a hybrid model is becoming common to leverage the benefits of both.

Automating redundant tasks, using collaboration tools, building reusable components, and getting customer involvement early on help streamline the SDLC.

Best Practices for SDLC Success

Some best practices to follow for successful software development throughout the SDLC phases are:

  • Involve all stakeholders with diverse perspectives for comprehensive requirements
  • Build traceability between phases to ensure changes propagate accurately
  • Follow change management and version control rigorously
  • Use visual models, simulations, and prototypes to validate functionality early
  • Conduct technical and user acceptance testing in iterations
  • Automate repetitive processes like code linting, builds, deployments, and testing
  • Perform integration, performance, and security testing continuously
  • Monitor and promptly respond to issues reported in production environments
  • Collect user feedback frequently and incorporate it to shape future releases

SDLC Methodologies Comparison







Gathered early, frozen after initial phase

Continuous involvement

Continuous refinement

Completed early, frozen after initial phase

Customer Interaction

Limited after requirements

Very high involvement

Review prototypes at each spiral

Limited after requirements

Adaptability to Change

Low due to frozen requirements

High due to iterative approach

High as risks addressed in spirals

Low due to frozen requirements

Development Approach

Linear phases

Iterative releases

Iterative risk analysis

Overlapping phases


After completion

Continuous integration

End of each spiral

At each corresponding phase

Initial Delivery

Only after all phases complete

Early through iterations

After first spiral prototype

Only at final phases

Risk Management

High-level upfront

Continuously identify/mitigate

Detailed analysis in spirals

Medium level upfront

When to Use

Clear requirements

Changing needs

High-risk project

Critical systems need rigorous verification

Final Words

The Software Development Life Cycle aims to produce high-quality software systems that meet business objectives within cost and schedule estimates. It provides a structured framework with clearly defined phases that enable monitoring of progress and quality at each stage.

Understanding SDLC models like Waterfall, Agile, Spiral, V-Model, and selecting the appropriate one based on project characteristics is key to maximizing efficiency. Aligning SDLC with testing life cycles enables continuous validation through requirements, design, coding, and deployment.

Following best practices around stakeholder involvement, traceability, prototyping, automation, and feedback loops allows organizations to overcome SDLC challenges. This results in the streamlined development of software that exceeds customer expectations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key phases in the SDLC?

The main phases in the SDLC are Planning, Requirements, Design, Development, Testing, Deployment, and Maintenance.

What are some SDLC models?

Some SDLC methodologies include Waterfall, Iterative, Spiral, V-Model, Big Bang, and Agile models.

How is the SDLC important for software development?

The SDLC provides a framework for streamlined software development. It ensures quality systems are developed within time and cost estimates that meet business needs.

What are some challenges in the SDLC?

Challenges include extensive documentation, rigid processes, specialized resources required, integration issues, testing efforts, and longer time to market.

How can the SDLC be aligned with the STLC?

Aligning SDLC phases with corresponding testing phases in the STLC results in continuous testing from requirements to deployment. This enables early defect detection.

How can organizations ensure SDLC success?

Involving diverse stakeholders, following change control rigorously, validating functionality early through prototypes, automating repetitive tasks, and continuous user feedback help ensure SDLC success.

Which SDLC model is best suited for large, complex projects?

The spiral model works well for large, complex, high-risk projects as it provides continuous risk analysis and prototypes for early feedback.

Which model allows for easy adaptation to change requests?

Agile methodology provides the highest flexibility to incorporate emerging user requirements through short iterative development cycles.

When is the Big Bang model an appropriate choice?

For small projects with minimal complexity, the Big Bang model provides a lightweight approach suitable for small teams with no need for extensive planning.

Priya Mervana

Priya Mervana

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Priya Mervana is working at as a web security expert with over 10 years of experience writing about encryption, SSL certificates, and online privacy. She aims to make complex security topics easily understandable for everyday internet users.

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