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SSL Tools

Troubleshoot and Manage your SSL Certificates

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology allows websites to establish encrypted links between web servers and browsers. This protects sensitive information like login credentials, payment info etc. from hackers.

To enable SSL on a website, you need to install an SSL certificate issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). However, SSL certificates can be tricky to install and manage. This is where SSL tools come in handy.

Why Do You Need SSL Tools?

Some common issues faced during SSL certificate installation and management are:

  • Decoding the Certificate Signing Request (CSR): The CSR contains important details about your server and domain name. You need to verify this before submitting it to the CA.
  • Converting Certificate Formats: CAs issue certificates in certain formats like PEM, DER, PFX etc. If it’s not compatible with your web server, you’ll have to convert it.
  • Matching Keys: Private key files are generated during CSR creation. You need to ensure the CSR file and private key belong to the correct certificate.
  • Checking for Problems: After installing the SSL certificate, you need to verify that there are no issues that might cause warnings in browsers.

Doing all this manually is complicated, especially for those not technically skilled. This is where online SSL tools come in very handy.

Top SSL Troubleshooting Tools

Here are some of the most useful free SSL tools available online:

  • SSL Checker Tool
  • CSR Decoder Tool / Certificate Decoder Tool
  • Certificate Key Matcher Tool
  • SSL Converter Tool
  • “Why No Padlock?” Tool
  • CAA Record Generator Tool

1. SSL Checker

This tool lets you check whether an SSL certificate is properly installed on a website. Simply enter the URL – it will analyze the SSL configuration and show you results like:

  • Validity period
  • Issuing CA name
  • Type of certificate (OV, EV etc.)
  • Any errors like expired certificate, chain issues etc.

2. CSR Decoder / Certificate Decoder

This tool lets you decode and view the contents of a certificate signing request (CSR). It displays all the details present in the CSR like domain name, organization information, city, state etc. This allows verification of the CSR before submitting it to the certificate authority.

3. Certificate Key Matcher

The certificate key matcher helps to verify that a certificate signing request (CSR) file and its associated private key file belong to the correct SSL certificate. This avoids cases of mismatched CSR-key-certificate pairing.

4. SSL Converter

CAs usually issue certificates in PEM file format. If your web server requires say PFX/PKCS#12 format, you’ll have to convert it manually. An SSL converter tool makes conversion between different file formats (PEM, DER, P7B, PFX etc.) hassle-free.

5. “Why No Padlock?” Tool

This tool scans your website URLs and identifies any insecure elements or non-HTTPS resources being loaded. Such issues can prevent the padlock icon from displaying correctly in browsers. The tool checks for mixed content warnings, expired certificates, invalid trust paths etc. and reports resources causing problems.

6. CAA Record Generator

The CAA record generator helps create DNS certification authority authorization records which allow specifying authorized CAs for issuing certificates. The tool prompts for domain name and authorized CA, then generates the required CAA record values. These can be directly added to the domain’s DNS settings.

How Do SSL Tools Help?

As outlined above, these free SSL tools offer many benefits:

  • Troubleshoot Issues: Tools like SSL checker, decoder etc. help diagnose and fix common SSL problems.
  • Simplify Complex Tasks: Generators, converters and matchers automate tedious manual work like creating CSRs, changing formats, matching keys etc.
  • Save Time: You don’t have to struggle with command line utilities or learn coding to manage SSL certificates. The tools offer an easy interface.
  • Provide Guidance: For advanced tasks like generating CAA records, the tools provide step-by-step guidance.
  • Free to Use: No need to purchase expensive software or hire an expert. The online SSL tools are absolutely free.
  • User-Friendly: The tools are designed for easy use even by non-technical users through simple interfaces.

When Should You Use SSL Tools?

The tools come handy in the following situations:

  • When applying for a new SSL certificate – use CSR generator and decoder.
  • After receiving the certificate from CA – utilize decoder to verify details match CSR.
  • Before installing the certificate on your web server – use converter if format change is required.
  • To check for issues after installation – SSL checker helps diagnose problems.
  • When migrating SSL certificate to a different server – use decoder and key matcher.
  • If your website is showing warnings – “why no padlock” tool will identify the causes.
  • When setting up CAA records for the first time – generate values easily using CAA tool.

FAQs on SSL Tools

What are the most essential free SSL tools everyone should use?

The SSL checker, CSR decoder, certificate decoder and SSL converter are some of the most useful SSL tools that one must utilize for trouble-free SSL management.

Is it safe to use online SSL tools provided by third-parties?

There are reasonable security concerns when exposing your certificate details to tools hosted by unknown parties. Stick to reputed websites only. Avoid tools asking for sensitive information like your private keys.

How can I generate a CSR without using online tools?

You can generate CSR on your web server using command line utilities like OpenSSL or IIS manager console. But the online CSR generators are easier to use.

My SSL certificate is showing as expired in browser: What tools can diagnose the issue?

The SSL checker tool can help identify expiry issues. You can also visually verify certificate validity period using the certificate decoder tool.

Can I fully manage SSL certificates using only online tools?

The tools are very useful but can’t cover everything. You still need some knowledge of SSL/TLS concepts. For full lifecycle management it’s better to use commercial tools like cPanel, Plesk, Cloudfare etc.

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