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How to Install SSL Certificate on F5 FirePass SSL VPN

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Install SSL Certificate on F5 FirePass SSL VPN

A Step-by-Step Guide to Install SSL Certificate on F5 FirePass SSL VPN

Installing an SSL certificate on F5 FirePass SSL VPN helps secure your remote access infrastructure. The F5 FirePass SSL VPN system requires a valid SSL certificate to encrypt data transmission between client devices and the VPN server.

This guide explains the essential steps to install and configure your SSL certificate correctly. You will learn how to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), obtain a valid SSL certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA), and import the certificate into your F5 FirePass system.

Following these steps ensures proper encryption of sensitive data and helps maintain a secure VPN connection for your remote users.

Prerequisites Before Installing SSL Certificate on F5 FirePass

Before beginning the SSL certificate installation process, make sure you have the following:

  • Access to the F5 FirePass administration interface. This typically requires admin-level access.
  • The FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) through which users will access the FirePass portal will be used to generate the Certificate Signing Request.
  • Access to submit the CSR to the Certificate Authority to obtain the SSL certificate. Alternatively, an existing certificate file if you already have one.

5 Easy Steps You Can Follow to Install the SSL Certificate on F5 FirePass SSL VPN

Follow of the steps involved in installing an SSL certificate on F5 FirePass SSL VPN:

  • Generate a Certificate Signing Request
  • Submit the CSR and Obtain the SSL Certificate
  • Installing the SSL Certificate
  • Complete the SSL Certificate Installation
  • Verify Certificate Settings

Step 1 – Generate a Certificate Signing Request

The first step is to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) within the FirePass administration interface. This is done as follows:

  • Log into the FirePass admin interface and go to System > Certificate Management > Traffic Certificate Management.
  • Click the Create button.
  • In the Common Name field, enter the FQDN through which users will access the FirePass portal.
  • Set the Certificate Key Size to 2048 bits.
  • Leave the default values for the other fields.
  • Click the Certificate Signing Request tab.
  • Click Generate.
  • Copy the entire CSR content displayed and save it to a file. This will be submitted to the Certificate Authority.

The CSR contains the public key for the certificate and is used by the CA to generate the signed certificate. Once you have the CSR, proceed to the next step.

Step 2 – Submit the CSR and Obtain the SSL Certificate

With the Certificate Signing Request generated, it must now be submitted to a Certificate Authority (CA) to obtain the final SSL certificate. There are several ways to do this:

Purchase from a Commercial CA

The most common option is to purchase the SSL certificate from a trusted commercial CA such as DigiCert, GlobalSign, etc. The process is as follows:

  • Go to the commercial CA website.
  • Follow the purchase process for a standard SSL certificate.
  • Copy and paste the CSR generated in Step 1 into the CSR field when prompted.
  • Complete the required organization validation steps required by the CA.
  • Once validated and payment is complete, the CA will issue the SSL certificate. This is typically provided in a zipped file.

Use an Internal CA

If your organization has its own internal Certificate Authority, you can submit the CSR directly and obtain a certificate. The process will vary.

Use Self-signed Certificate

For testing purposes, you can create a self-signed certificate within FirePass rather than submitting the CSR to a CA. However, this will generate browser security warnings. It is only recommended for labs/dev.

Once you have obtained the SSL certificate from the CA through one of these methods, proceed to install it on FirePass.

Step 3 – Installing the SSL Certificate

Once you have the SSL certificate file from the CA (or self-signed), it needs to be installed on the FirePass. This is done by importing it as follows:

  • On the Certificate Management > Traffic Certificate Management page, click Import.
  • For Import Type, choose PKCS 12(IIS/Apache)
  • Click the From File tab and browse the SSL certificate file obtained from the CA.
  • Enter the password to decrypt the certificate if required by the CA.
  • Click Import.

This will install the certificate in the FirePass system.

Step 4 – Complete the SSL Certificate Installation

With the certificate imported, complete the installation process:

  • Find the newly imported certificate in the certificate list and click the gear icon – Install action.
  • In the pop-up, choose the FirePass SSL virtual server to install the certificate.
  • Click Done.

The certificate is now fully installed and assigned to the FirePass interface.

Step 5 – Verify Certificate Settings

To complete the process, verify the SSL certificate is applied correctly:

  • Go to Access Policy > Virtual Servers.
  • Click on the FirePass SSL virtual server.
  • Under Configuration, verify the Security Settings section shows the new certificate.
  • Try accessing the FirePass URL via HTTPS and validate there are no browser certificate errors or warnings.

The installation is now fully complete! Users should now be able to access the FirePass portal via HTTPS using the new valid SSL certificate.

What Are the Common SSL Issues on F5 FirePass SSL VPN and How to Troubleshoot Them?

Here are some common issues faced when enabling SSL on F5 FirePass SSL VPN and how to troubleshoot them:

The Browser Shows Certificate Warnings or Errors

  • Ensure the certificate is issued for the exact FQDN users accessing FirePasswho. It should match the common name.
  • Check for any mismatches in the certificate chain or intermediate certificates not being included.

Users Unable to Access the FirePass Portal

  • Under Access Policy> Virtual Servers, verify that the SSL certificate is successfully installed and assigned to the FirePass virtual server.
  • Check the Security Settings of the virtual server to show the new certificate as expected.

Certificate Expires Prematurely

  • Double-check the validity period of the certificate purchased or issued by your CA—it may have been inadvertently issued for a shorter duration.
  • Ensure your system time is accurate. Certificate expiration is based on system time.

Unable to Import Certificate

  • Confirm you have the full certificate file from the CA, including any intermediate certificates.
  • If you encounter issues, try importing the certificate in PEM format rather than PKCS 12.
  • Verify any passwords or encryption settings required to import the certificate.

Final Thoughts

In summary, installing an SSL certificate in F5 FirePass SSL VPN enables secure remote user access using HTTPS and SSL encryption. By generating a CSR, obtaining a signed certificate from a trusted CA, importing the certificate into FirePass, and adequately assigning it to the FirePass virtual server, organizations can ensure their remote portal remains secure and avoids browser warnings.

Following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide, administrators can smoothly install SSL certificates in FirePass for the first time or when certificates need to be renewed. Proper SSL configuration is critical for providing users seamless and secure remote access.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common FAQs about setting up and managing SSL certificates on F5 FirePass SSL VPN:

How do I import a new SSL certificate to F5 FirePass?

Upload the SSL certificate file through the FirePass admin console. Select System Configuration > SSL Certificates, click Import Certificate, and upload the certificate and private key files.

What certificate formats does F5 FirePass support?

F5 FirePass accepts PEM and PKCS#12 certificate formats. The certificate must properly include the private key and intermediate certificates.

How can I verify if the SSL certificate is installed correctly?

Access the FirePass portal using HTTPS. Click the padlock icon in your browser to view certificate details. Check if the certificate shows valid dates and correct domain information.

What should I do if users see certificate warnings after installation?

Check if intermediate certificates are installed correctly. Install the complete certificate chain, including root and intermediate certificates. Verify the certificate matches the FirePass domain name.

How do I back up the existing SSL certificate before installing a new one?

Export the current certificate from System Configuration > SSL Certificates. Click Export Certificate and save the certificate and key files securely.

Priya Mervana

Priya Mervana

Verified Badge Verified Web Security Experts

Priya Mervana is working at SSLInsights.com as a web security expert with over 10 years of experience writing about encryption, SSL certificates, and online privacy. She aims to make complex security topics easily understandable for everyday internet users.

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